I'm on the fence for adopting this app. One thing that would really seal the deal for me is the ability to create a database of tasks with updating time allotments. So, for example, let's say you have a task called 'Clean House' and you know you'll want to use that task again. The actual time function would update the estimated time on that task. But the task itself would sit in a list of tasks that are ready to dragged and dropped at any time. So it would be sort of like a Brain Dump but when you drag the item it doesn't disappear from the list. It basically copies it. And the time allotment is updated based on your most recent actual time entry.
I've used Chat GPT 4 to hunt around for any task management program that does this and it appears there isn't any. I think it would be a very powerful and attractive feature. If you're timeboxing, having a static list of items you can draw from at any time would be very useful.