Multiple calendar timebox (based on label)
Ability to set multiple default calendars for time boxing.
For example, if I could set a label with a default calendar to time box with
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This is huge for me too. Without it my personal calendar blows out with work entries. Any update on this one Chris ?
Is there a way to see multiple calendars associated under one account show up in my Ellie?
This is separate from associating a different label to each Calendar. I can only currently see my 1 default calendar under my Gmail show up on Ellie, not the other Calendars within this same Gmail account.
Madison: Hey Madison!
Sorry for the late response here but you should be able to do this by clicking the calendar icon at the bottom right and toggling different calendars
On iOS, you can do the same thing by clicking the icon at the top right of the timebox
Hope that helps :)
Merged in a post:
Associate tasks with label to given calendar
We should have the ability to associate Label A with Calendar A and Label B with Calendar B. Such that tasks under Label A are added to Calendar A when timeboxed, and the same is true for Label B and Calendar B. This functionality would be even more useful if we were able to nest a group of labels under one overarching label (eg. different labels for work related tasks under one big label - "Work") and have all the tasks and sublabels under that "Work" label be added to my Work calendar instead of my personal one.
Ryan Lider
In the same position as many as needing this feature so that I can fully switch from Sunsama. Right now I have multiple calendars from multiple accounts (work, school, personal, etc.). This feature would unlock so much for me to fully switch over. Some features are "nice-to-haves", but for me, multiple default calendars for time boxing and that being tied to labels is a "must-have".
excited to see this feature is planned! i havent been able to get my head around how to use my gcal with my tasks from ellie because i can only put one calendar and i have 3 important calendars which need to be considered (appointments, classes, and plans) - edit because i misunderstood this request and figured out i can actually add multiple calendars to ellie.. excited to be able to put tasks into the appropriate calendars which is what i think is being worked on. thank you chris!
Having this feature would allow me to fully make the switch from Sunsama to Ellie. Currently, I can't use Ellie effectively because I need multiple calendars for work, uni, personal life etc.
Alex Slowly making progress on this :)
This would be huge for me!
Ryan Lider
This is a big one for me. Would love to see it to separate different Google calendars in my life (work, personal, school, etc.).
Kevin Castaneda
Just became a new user of Ellie. So far loving the app but yes, this feature would be very helpful. I have a full-time job and I am a consultant so I use various emails/calendars so having the ability to switch which task goes to what calendar would be very helpful.
Thank you
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