Cancel task time
Hey there! Presently if you click the time button for a task on a day, there is not was to make it all day again (as far as I can tell). I have to delete task and start again. Can you add a delete time function for tasks please? Thanks!
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Good call, there are ways to remove it from the timebox (right click and you can remove from timebox, same with holding it down in the iOS app and an option to un-timebox appears but not within the task itself)
This would make it much more clear
No name
When I don’t want the task to be at a specific time anymore, I usually move it to a random List and then back to the day that I want it to be on. But thats such a hassle. A feature to remove the specific time but keep the date would be awesome.
Scott Henning
No name Yes, it would be great to have it assigned to a day and not a time and if you already set a time then it's hard to remove.