💻 Mac calendar menu bar
If you're on the Mac, Ellie now automatically adds a menu bar item at the top right of your screen so you can quickly glance and see upcoming calendar events.
If there is a Zoom or Google meet link attached to the event, a button to join the meeting will also appear.
You can read more about it here!
CleanShot 2023-09-27 at 16
✌️Other improvements
  • 24 hour mode
  • Improved auto syncing of calendar to every 30 mins
  • Fixed an issue where timers would cause the app to crash when the underlying task was deleted
  • Added "auto add label" feature for lists to iOS
  • Fixed an issue where lists on iPad would show the incorrect task count
  • Revamped emoji picker for lists on iOS (and added more emojis!)
  • Revamped list creation and editing experience
  • And a whoooole lot of bug fixes