Task Rollover stopped working
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Hi Chris. It's Nasra Khawaja again. I noticed today that my incomplete tasks didn't rollover. If I search for them, I can see they still exist but I can't see them on the current day's list nor any previous days' lists. How do I bring them back?! Worried I'm forgetting to do something important!
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Hey Nasra!
Sorry for the delay here and happy to look into this. Are you still facing this or have the tasks re-appeared
There is a very hard to reproduce bug where the rollover "fails" and the tasks don't get transferred correctly. But they usually end up re-appearing on the next rollover.
Would love to see if this is the case and maybe there is something I can take a look at to try to get to the bottom of the bug!
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Thanks Chris! Yes, they did re-appear the next day (phew!) If it happens again, I'll try and notice any specifics and let you know.
No name: Good to hear that at least! Thanks for letting me know :)